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Index of Fun Facts: Who are the People in our (co-op) Neighborhood?

Who are the People in our (co-op) Neighborhood?
An index of fun facts* . . .

11,171 members on 20 islands (14,745 meters)
5,134 members on San Juan Island
4,278 members use SmartHub to pay their bill and track their energy usage
4,192 current and past co-op members received capital credit checks in 2013
3,403 members on Orcas Island
3,203 are paperless and eligible to connect to WiFi at the ferry landings
3,143 donate to Project PAL
2,524 members voted in the 2014 election
1,945 members on Lopez Island
520 became co-op members in 2013 (233 as of 5/31 in 2014)
422 contribute to MORE (Member Owned Renewable Energy)
333 members on Decatur Island
317 attended the annual meeting in 2014
234 members on Shaw Island
233 received a PAL grant in 2013-14
143 local generators of renewable energy interconnected to OPALCO’s grid
122 members on Blakely Island
105 attended the series of 4 Town Hall meetings in early 2014
49 member-owner-operators: employees of OPALCO

*Facts are a snapshot as of 6/3/14. Numbers are constantly changing
and may be reported differently elsewhere.

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