Understand Your Bill

Understand your Bill

Click on the blue numbered circles for more information about a section of your bill.


Summary of Bill

Info on payments received and amounts due.


Co-op Messages

Key info and updates from your Co-op.


Service Location

Location of billing meter. This is where power is provided.


Service Access Charge

The fixed cost to deliver service to your location (previously called Facilities Charge). This includes each member’s share of the cost to build and maintain the power grid, equipment, facilities and the cost of labor to run the cooperative.


Energy Charge Adjustment

A surcharge (-) or credit (+) to true-up the actual cost of power sales due to unpredictable weather. The charge reflects any increase or decrease in power sales for the previous billing cycle. The adjustment is calculated by comparing budgeted vs. actual power cost per kWh sold. The ECA protects members and the Co-op from large year-end true-ups.


Energy Charges

The charges for the energy (in kilowatt hours – kWh) you used at the cost per kWh: https://www.opalco.com/account-services/bill/rates-tariffs/


Energy Assist Charge

Every co-op member pays a share, based on your kWh usage, to help fund Energy Assist. Energy Assist helps co-op members from low-income and fixed-income households to pay their bills. It’s the co-op way to share the load.


Demand Charge

Placeholder for the future when BPA demand charges for residential rates will be passed through to members.


Total Due

The amount due this billing cycle


Your Meter Information

Actual meter reads by date. Usage = this month’s reading minus (-) last month’s reading. If the reading is estimated, will be labeled Estimated Reading. Estimates are used when actual readings are not possible due to technical difficulties or damaged meters.


Your Energy Usage Charted

Quick comparison of your energy usage. Go to SmartHub for more detail.


Bill Stub Statement

Summary of charges, due date and penalties, if late.


Mailing Address

This is your billing address. Please call 360-376-3500 to update your contact info for billing and keep us updated over the years for capital credits. You can also go to SmartHub to update.


Payment Options and Co-op Info

Payment options and Co-op info. Learn more: Document Library.


Summary of Bill

Info on payments received and amounts due.


Co-op Messages

Key info and updates from your Co-op.


Service Location

Location of billing meter. This is where power is provided.


Service Access Charge

The fixed cost to deliver service to your location (previously called Facilities Charge). This includes each member’s share of the cost to build and maintain the power grid, equipment, facilities and the cost of labor to run the cooperative.


Energy Charge Adjustment

A surcharge (-) or credit (+) to true-up the actual cost of power sales due to unpredictable weather. The charge reflects any increase or decrease in power sales for the previous billing cycle. The adjustment is calculated by comparing budgeted vs. actual power cost per kWh sold. The ECA protects members and the Co-op from large year-end true-ups.


Energy Charges

The charges for the energy (in kilowatt hours – kWh) you used at the cost per kWh: https://www.opalco.com/account-services/bill/rates-tariffs/


Energy Assist Charge

Every co-op member pays a share, based on your kWh usage, to help fund Energy Assist. Energy Assist helps co-op members from low-income and fixed-income households to pay their bills. It’s the co-op way to share the load.


Demand Charge

Placeholder for the future when BPA demand charges for residential rates will be passed through to members.


Total Due

The amount due this billing cycle


Your Meter Information

Actual meter reads by date. Usage = this month’s reading minus (-) last month’s reading. If the reading is estimated, will be labeled Estimated Reading. Estimates are used when actual readings are not possible due to technical difficulties or damaged meters.


Your Energy Usage Charted

Quick comparison of your energy usage. Go to SmartHub for more detail.


Bill Stub Statement

Summary of charges, due date and penalties, if late.


Mailing Address

This is your billing address. Please call 360-376-3500 to update your contact info for billing and keep us updated over the years for capital credits. You can also go to SmartHub to update.


Payment Options and Co-op Info

Payment options and Co-op info. Learn more: Document Library.

Related to your bill

What are Rates & Tariffs?

Each year the OPALCO board sets the rates and tariffs for the cooperative. The co-op is a cost-of-service organization so much collect all the costs to run the business through power rates.

What are Capital Credits?

Capital credits represent each members ownership in the co-op.

Understand your power costs

Look into the different factors that affect the costs of power and your bill.

Track your energy usage

Save money on your bill by tracking your energy usage hourly, weekly, or annually.