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Welcome to Opalco

Your member-owned, non-profit cooperative utility

Providing energy services to San Juan County since 1937.

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Co-ops Vote

Democracy is one of the principles that guide electric cooperatives. We encourage all of our co-op members to vote in all elections. The general election is coming up this November.

OPALCO reached out to all San Juan County Council Candidates to ask them a series of questions related to reliable energy and internet. These services are critical to our quality of life. With climate change and energy shortfalls looming, San Juan County and OPALCO will need to work together to ensure reliable and affordable power is available to island residents.

Find out what our local candidates think about the critical energy issues facing our county.

Read Candidate Responses

What’s happening at your Co-op

Energy savings tips and tricks, updates, the latest news and events.

truck near jacksonbeach

Pardon our dust: Upcoming construction along Pear Point Road

San Juan County has a recovery strategy for protection of salmon populations which includes the Jackson Beach Restoration Project. As part of the plan, OPALCO is moving the transmission poles … Read more
O2 orkney

Tidal Energy Pilot Project

A successful effort means locally generated, clean, reliable power for the islands. Earlier this year, Orcas Power & Light Cooperative was awarded a grant through the Department of Energy to … Read more

Upcoming Events

October 17 @ 8:30 am
November 21 @ 8:30 am
November 28

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