islands filter

Sustainability & The Environment

OPALCO is committed to the Salish Sea and our beautiful island environment.

We support the Salish Sea!

Ways we support the environment and ocean health are:

Renewable Energy class="wrapper">

Our fuel mix

Purchasing mostly clean, green hydro-electric power from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Our fuel mix is 87% greenhouse gas free. Supporting our clean hydro system is key to reducing carbon emissions now and for many years to come.

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Local Power

There are more than 500 OPALCO members who generate renewable energy interconnected to our co-op grid. And OPALCO has two microgrid projects – Community Solar and grid-tied batter storage (one complete and one in the works).

Preprare for Outage class="wrapper">

Encouraging Conservation

Reduction in energy use is the first step for a truly sustainable plan for our planet. OPALCO delivered approximately $1.7M in energy efficiency rebates to members from 2008-2022. Get rebates!

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Energy Savings

OPALCO’s on-bill financing program is a USDA grant offering over $48M to offer to co-op members for energy savings projects for their home or business.

What can you do?

solar wind

Learn about our Island Way Campaign

Determining our own energy future – stay up to speed on how climate change is affecting our future power supply and tools members can use to prepare for that future.


Go Electric

Island Life is perfect for Electric Cars and OPALCO has tools to keep you informed.


Go Renewable

Invest in OPALCO’s next Community Solar project (coming in 2023) or put solar on your rooftop if you can.


Start monitoring your energy usage

Use Smarthub to monitor your energy usage – monthly, weekly, daily, hourly.


Switch It Up!

Use OPALCO’s on-bill financing program to do energy savings measures to your home and business – including weatherization, new efficient heating systems, fiber to your home and more.

Read more about related topics

OPALCO supports the whales, the islands and all sea life! The Co-op Board is paying close attention to the ongoing federal environmental study to provide the science necessary to understand the full web of interdependent issues at play including salmon population, water temperature, vessel noise, ocean acidification, pollution, forage fish habitat and climate change. We must focus on the health of the entire ocean!


Quick Fact: Ocean Health

OPALCO is committed to reducing carbon emissions for the health of the Salish Sea. Climate change is making our oceans warmer, more acidic and less productive. Ocean acidification happens when … Read more
global warming

Quick Fact – Decarbonization – Part 1

This is a four-part series looking at how climate impact is rapidly changing our world and the coming challenges as we make the transition to a future that is climate … Read more
turn it down

Quick Fact – OPALCO’s Plan for our Energy Future

Climate change is transforming our world. OPALCO has a smart plan for our energy future – and it depends each of us doing our part! Our energy world is changing … Read more