Heat Pump Water Heater Rebates

Rebates for $300-800

Apply Here

Next to heating your home, heating your water consumes the most energy. An estimated 25% of your electric bill is used to heat water for your daily needs.

About Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat pump water heaters are highly efficient. They can cut water heating energy consumption by 60% compared to standard electric water heaters. Rather than generating heat by burning fuel (electric resistance), heat pump water heaters move heat from one place to another, by heat transfer, the same technology used in heat pumps for home heating. Electric heating elements are used only when needed.

heat pump water heater

Rebate Qualifications

Heat pump water heater rebates are for existing single family homes only. In homes, they must replace an electric storage water heater (gas water heaters do not qualify). New construction does not qualify. 

Rebates are as follows:

  • Unitary HPWH All tiers – 40-gallon tank – $700
  • Unitary HPWH Tier 3 – 50-gallons and above – $800
  • Unitary HPWH Tier 4 – 50-gallons and above – $900
  • Split-System HPWH – Any tank size – $1,100

Heat Pump Water Heater Qualified Products List for units in our region that qualify for rebates.

To apply for the OPALCO rebate, please complete and submit the application above with your proof of purchase (receipt) and the Manufacturer’s Installation Checklist (found in the installation manual included in your unit).

A homeowner may install the unit themselves. By doing so, the homeowner is responsible for self-education and commits to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. There are installation videos available on the manufacturer’s websites with exact procedures to follow for successful installations. These videos are considered Manufacturer Training.

View our Do-It-Yourself Installation Tips from the Smart Water Heat Program.


  • To find out if a heat pump water heater is right for you, visit Hot Water Solutions for helpful tools and resources.
  • When selecting a water heater, pay attention to Energy Factor (EF). This is a measure of its overall energy efficiency and is based on the amount of hot water produced per unit of fuel consumed over a typical day. The higher the EF, the more efficient the water heater.
  • Also consider the warranty, whether the size of the tank to meet your needs, and the First Hour Rating (the amount of hot water in gallons the heater can supply per hour).
  • You can find everything you ever wanted to know about heat pump water heaters and promotions by visiting https://smartwaterheat.org/.
  • Do-It-Yourself Installation Tips


Yes! Contact our Energy Savings Coordinator at energysavings@opalco.com or 360-376-3587.

Online. Follow the clear steps outlined online for each specific measure: residential measures and commercial measures.

If a complete application is received, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing. If you would like to check on the status of your rebate, please call (360) 376-3587 or email energysavings@opalco.com.

Still have questions?

Reach out to our Energy Savings Expert


Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate Application

Scroll down until you see the submit button. You will see a confirmation page if your application goes through successfully.
