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Prepare for the New Year with OPALCO

As we approach 2025, Orcas Power and Light Cooperative is preparing for our energy future, and we want our members to get involved.

The co-op faces a variety of challenges that require member feedback and active engagement. Each generation of OPALCO members has had its own unique obstacles, dating back to 1937 when our founders worked to bring electricity to the islands. Today, the challenge is clear: We’re facing a major energy transition, driven by climate change, and we need your support to navigate this change.

Our state and national goals are to transition away from fossil fuels and move toward powering our homes, vehicles and ferries with clean electricity. They are ambitious but essential goals to ensure a sustainable future.

The Cost of Power in 2025

As OPALCO works to provide reliable and renewable energy, we’re experiencing rising costs. Our energy provider, PNGC, has indicated a more than 10% increase in power costs for next year.

OPALCO members can expect a 6% rate increase this year and likely in years to come. Our board will review and vote on the final rate increase and 2025 tariffs in December, but for now, plan your budget with this increase in mind.

For the average energy use—1,000 kilowatt hours a month—a 6% increase translates to an additional $11 per month.

In 2025, OPALCO will conduct a comprehensive rate analysis to explore how to improve the distribution of power costs among our members. Your feedback is crucial in this process. By working together, we can develop a fair and effective rate structure that supports our co-op’s sustainability and financial health.

Upcoming Events

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Community members connect at a member event on Lopez Island. (Photo courtesy of Andrea Huss)

We’re excited to host several events in the coming months to discuss our plans and hear your input. Mark your calendars:

Town Hall—OPALCO Tidal Energy Pilot Project

• Jan. 21 at 4 p.m., San Juan Island

• Jan. 22 at 5 p.m., Orcas Island

• Jan. 23 at 5 p.m., Lopez Island

Island Way Workshop: Our Energy Future

• Feb. 12 at 5 p.m. via Zoom

OPALCO Board Candidate Forum

• March 5 at 5 p.m. via Zoom

Annual Business Meeting

• April 24 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom

Annual Member Festival

• April 25 from 3-5 p.m., San Juan Island

These events provide opportunities to learn more and give feedback about OPALCO’s initiatives, from our tidal energy pilot project to discussions on our long-term energy future.

Looking Toward a Local Renewable Power Supply

O2 orkneyWe face several unique challenges as we work to build a local, renewable power supply across our islands. Beyond the cost of such projects, we must also consider the aesthetic impact and limited land available for development. With power costs rising and resources decreasing, our electricity supply is becoming less reliable.

OPALCO is studying ways to update our rate structure, promote all-electric homes, encourage energy conservation and ensure no single rate class is overburdened. Achieving these goals requires cooperation from all members. Together, we can make informed decisions about our energy future and create a sustainable power system that meets the needs of our islands.

How Members Can Prepare

As we embark on this journey together, here are a few ways you can prepare for the year ahead:

Stay informed. Keep up to date with energy issues in our region. Understanding the challenges and opportunities we face helps you make informed decisions.

Make the switch. Consider upgrading to more energy-efficient electric options for heating and transportation. These changes can make a big difference in reducing both energy use and costs. Use OPALCO’s on-bill financing program Switch It Up to make the switch.

Conserve energy. Every effort to conserve energy counts. Whether it’s turning off lights when not in use, optimizing home insulation or using energy-efficient appliances, these steps help reduce our collective energy demand.

Engage with OPALCO. Get involved through our events, participate in surveys and connect with us on social media. Your feedback guides our decisions and helps us understand the needs and priorities of our members.

As we prepare for the new year, OPALCO looks forward to working with you to meet the challenges of our energy transition. By staying connected, making conscious choices and supporting our initiatives, we can build a resilient energy future together.

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