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OPALCO 73rd Annual Meeting


Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for OPALCO’s 73rd Annual Meeting on ferry. The theme is “What is Your Energy Savings Plan?” and OPALCO staff will be on hand to talk with members about how to save energy and money through conservation and energy efficiency best practices. General Manager Randy Cornelius will give a “state of the Coop” report, Stuart Clarke from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will talk about changes to the rate structure; and State Representative Jeff Morris will address state and regional energy issues.

The main event is the Board of Directors’ election, with candidates from District 3 (Lopez, Decatur, Center and Charles Islands): incumbents Jim Lett and Bob Myhr; and District 4 (Shaw, Bell, Canoe and Crane Islands): nominee John Ashenhurst and incumbent John Bogert on the ballot (see www. for more information and candidate bios).

The meeting is early this year (9:45 – 11:15 a.m.), due to the spring ferry schedule, and breakfast will be served on the ferry. Find your travel schedule at As always, there will be give-a-ways for everyone—including a “green” treasure map of energy efficiency gems—and great door prizes drawn at the end of the meeting.

Your Co-op is doing its part to save energy and money

In our 2009 Member Survey, we found that 90% of OPALCO members have access to the internet, and 82% of those were willing to receive the annual report electronically. Instead of mailing the 2010 Annual Report to our 11,000+ members, it will be available at beginning April 9th. Printed copies of the the report will be available in OPALCO offices, county libraries and senior centers. If you are not able to access the annual report otherwise, please give us a call and we will send one out in the mail.

Voting Remains the Same

Every member will still receive a ballot package in the mail. Voting will remain the same: you can vote by absentee ballot (due April 30th), or cast your vote in person at the annual meeting.

In addition to eliminating tons of paper waste (see the recycling bins at the post office filled with annual reports), OPALCO will save 25% on printing costs and an estimated 40% on postage.

See you at the Annual Meeeting on the ferry: Saturday, May 1st. Don’t miss the boat!

Read more about Board of Director Elections on our website..

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