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MORE Steering Committee to have first public meeting

The first meeting of the OPALCO MORE (Member Owned Renewable Energy) Steering Committee is scheduled for July 8th, 2010, from 10:30 – 12:30 at the Orcas Ferry Landing. The meeting will take place in the county’s meeting room below the Russell’s Landing Store (10 Killebrew Lake Rd). The doors will be open at 10:00 am.

OPALCO extended an invitation for members to nominate themselves or other members to a Steering Committee that will lead a public process to build a new green power program. Energy Services is calling the new program MORE (Member Owned Renewable Energy) – although it may also include some additional conservation measures above and beyond what OPALCO can currently offer through its Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) funded program.

OPALCO members who were interested in this new program and in leading a public process applied to join the MORE Steering Committee which will work through the summer to come up with a proposal. The MORE Steering Committee will publish meeting notices and keep all meetings open to the public. Meetings will be held in venues that rotate around the islands. Work includes active discussions and presentations and discussion to better understand OPALCO’s existing programs and parameters; the creation of a new green power program including criteria, scope, structure and funding mechanisms; and the presentation of a proposal to OPALCO staff who can bring it before the OPALCO Board for approval and policy making.

The MORE Steering Committee will have representation from each ferry-served island, the outer islands, one or more “at will” members and will be chaired by an OPALCO board member. For a complete description of the mission, roles and timeline of the Steering Committee, go to

OPALCO is a member-owned cooperative electrical utility serving more than 11,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County. OPALCO provides electricity that is 95% greenhouse-gas free and is predominately generated by hydro-electric plants. OPALCO was founded in 1937 to bring electricity to rural islanders.

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