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Mark Madsen Appointed to OPALCO Board to Fill Vacancy

The Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) Board of Directors has appointed Mark Madsen of Friday Harbor to fill the District 1 board position vacated by Glenna Hall. Hall stepped down due to health issues in September. Madsen will have the option to run for election as an incumbent in 2017.

“Mark’s expertise in the technology industry and his track record of community service are great assets to the Board,” said Jim Lett, OPALCO Board President. “We had two strong candidates to fill this vacancy – it was a tough decision – and we are very pleased to have Mark join us.”

Madsen brings strong experience in business operations and network engineering for the high-tech industry. He currently serves the community through the San Juan Library District, San Juan County Economic Development Council and the Town of Friday Harbor’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Madsen earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Washington and a Masters in Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The Cooperative is governed by its member-owners who elect a seven-member Board of Directors. There are four districts represented, and Directors must be members in the districts they serve. Elections are held by district on a rotating basis each year at the annual meeting. Directors serve a three-year term and there are no term limits. Vacancies, after a call for candidates is published in local papers and online, are filled by board appointment. Read more online about the Election Process for Directors.

Board meetings are held monthly and are open to co-op members. Notices of each meeting are posted in the local papers and in the OPALCO online calendar.

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