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OPALCO Recognized as an Exemplary Partner by Olympic Electric

Submitted by Olympic Electric

rightofwaywork To those of us in the energy sector, we can ultimately appreciate “The Separation is in the Preparation”.

To explain, as a line contractor showing up to a job for a customer and having all the proper controls in place is worth more than just compensation.  For example, safety of crew, reliability, fire danger, public safety, and relationship building.

Olympic Electric had the honor of working with OPALCO (Orcas Power and Light Cooperative).  As one can imagine when securing work at a new location comes some logistical demands.  Rex Guard (OPALCO General Foreman) was the contact and aided with all the needs of the contractor.  Rex prepared and cleared all the Right-of-Way (ROW) before Olympic Electric arrived.  This made for easy access focused on limiting fire danger.  Part of the preparation included building site landings to allow for the work to get done as well as letting all the cooperative member know about the work being done. Rex was transparent with the cooperative members about the tree removal, brush clearing, and site maintenance.

rightofwayOlympic Electric would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Rex Guard for his effort to complete all these tasks.  From Olympic’s point of view, ROW clearing and landing construction is so important and allows us to limit the risk of fire danger and improve accessibility.  ROW issues can cost the utility and contractor extensively if not identified and cleared properly.  The site landings being built correctly allows the equipment to be set up properly and safely, allows for good ergonomics for the linecrew to keep them safe from injury, and does not encroach on energized lines or equipment.

After a 45-year career at OPALCO, Rex understands this important work and was focused on completing this project.  Thank you, Sir, from the team at Olympic Electric. 



contractor right of way

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