Is a heat pump water heater right for you?
Standard electric water heaters use more energy than your refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer combined.
Heat pump water heaters can use up to 60% less energy than a standard water heater. They move the heat rather than generating it. You can have more control (like being able to select vacation mode), be more efficient and save up to $300 a year with these water heaters.
OPALCO is making it easy for members to make the switch to a heat pump water heater by offering on-bill financing on qualified projects. Check out if your project would qualify here:
Here is how they work:
Things to consider when considering a heat pump water heater include the compressor makes noticeable noise, it creates cold air while operating, requires additional space for air flow and condensation drain or pump, and recovery can be slower so this could be a problem when there is a high demand for hot water.
Is a heat pump water heater right for you? Check out this interactive tool to find out: