Fun Facts: How much are we actually savings through our Energy Savings Program?
How much are we actually saving through OPALCO’s Energy Saving Program
- 2,961,385 estimated kilowatt hour (kWh) savings from energy efficiency measures in our last biennium (7/1/12 – 6/30/14)*
- $783,270 distributed to members in our last biennium*
- 3,215 energy efficiency measures were implemented by OPALCO members in our last biennium
- 871.57 kW capacity of member generated renewable power interconnected to the OPALCO grid
Also notable:
- 500+ in attendance at 3 Energy Fairs hosted this summer in partnership with the San Juan Islands Conservation District and local nonprofits
- 132 Home Snapshot Assessments completed in our last biennium
- 30 Commercial energy upgrade projects currently pending
- 4 sites in the works for Community Solar for Schools Program
- 1.5 OPALCO staff members administer the entire Energy Savings program
- 0 gallons of gas consumed by the OPALCO Nissan Leaf in our last biennium
*Includes 76,561 kWh and $19,140 for the Lopez reconductering projects,
making our electrical distribution system more energy efficient