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How do I choose a contractor?

Members are fully responsible for selecting and coordinating with contractors.

  • Barron Heating 360-676-1131
  • Bion Island Plumbing 360-376-6700
  • Harbor Heating 360-298-5518
  • Rex Ellsworth 360-378-5259
  • Sage Building Solutions 360-468-4040
  • San Juan Heating 360-378-4328
  • Streamside Renewables 360-472-1946
  • West Mechanical 360-378-5519

OPALCO doesn’t recommend specific solar or battery project installers, but we do have a list of local installers to help you get started.

*please note, the contractors listed are familiar with OPALCO’s programs and policies. OPALCO does not endorse any contractor.