Board Support
OPALCO board meeting are typically the third Thursday of each month starting at 8:30 am. OPALCO meetings are typically done virtually on Zoom.
OPALCO Co-op Members may attend monthly board meetings and there is a member comment period at the beginning of each meeting. During COVID-19, members may participate via a FaceBook Live event @orcaspower.
The Board is made up of seven directors representing three districts and twenty islands. Interested in running for an open position on the Board? Elections are held each Spring (April or May) and every co-op member has a vote.
Online in the Document Library. A packet of board materials are posted on the Monday before each monthly board meeting with the agenda and reference materials for board review. Minutes are posted the following month, after they are approved.
In the Document Library, an extensive collection of Board, financial, governance and policy documents. The annual report is published online each Spring.
In the Document Library, an extensive collection of governance, financial and policy documents.
There are two paths to amend the bylaws: 1) Board Initiated or 2) Energy Member Initiated. See Article XIV - Amendments.
OPALCO is a non-profit cooperative that operates at the cost of service. Learn more about the budgeting process in this Data Insights series.
In the Document Library, an extensive collection of governance, financial and policy documents. Annual budgets, quarterly financial reports, audit reports, Form 7 and Form 990. Co-op finances are also included in the annual report, published online each Spring.